survival guide, tips to conqure business and motherhood

Survival Guide: Tips to Conquer Business and Motherhood: Ep 12

I started my business one month after having my daughter Jaycie.  While navigating my way through owning a business and being a new mom I compiled these tips for you. I am sharing with you my tips for moms who own businesses!

Recognize & Respect the season you are in

Your children’s needs will vary throughout different seasons of their life. Some seasons will be more difficult than others to manage running a business and to be a mom. For mamas with younger kids, running a business can be significantly harder. I was in a very difficult season when my daughter was between 8- 12 months old. She would not take a nap unless I was rocking her to sleep and once she was asleep it only lasted 30 minutes. In that season I got very little work done during the day. All of my work had to be done in the morning before she woke up or at night when she finally went to bed. This can be hard to do when you have the weight of a to-do list or projects on your shoulders. However, this is one of my best tips for moms who own businesses.

Respect the season you are in, and know it is not going to last forever

Ditch the Unrealistic Expectations

If you have been a mom for a while your expectations are likely more realistic than some of us who started motherhood and business at the same time. You may be coming from the corporate world where you may expect to still accomplish 40 hours of work a week while caring for your children. If that is you, I highly recommend you change your mindset and expectations because It is unrealistic to do both full times. BURNOUT is real and just changing our expectations can help us avoid burnout altogether. Your expectations may change with the seasons of your life. When my daughter was in that difficult stage, only 30 minutes a day of work was realistic for me. NOW, 1-2 hours is realistic.

Just changing our expectations can help us avoid burnout altogether

Perfection Can be Your Own Worst Enemy

If you have grown accustomed to NOT working until all the chores are done and your home is perfectly clean. I HIGHLY recommend you change your expectations. I will admit I am guilty of this as well! You need to be OK if your laundry isn’t all done and your countertops aren’t perfectly clear. NOW I do NOT want you to hear me say that you need to let your home go. The fact is, that environment affects our mindset. Have a standard for the cleanliness of your home. However, have systems and routines that keep your home easily manageable. However, be willing to compromise because some days you will need to choose between your countertops and your business.

Make the Most Out of Your Time

So often accomplish our To-Do list at the expense of TRUE emotional, present, connection with our children. Yes, I know you are busy and your kids can play by themselves. However, they shouldn’t always have to. By making time with your children intentional and present you will minimize distractions from them when you are working on an important project. Likewise, be intentional with your work and when you are working.

Conquer It, Mama

We all have a why, and we all know why what we are doing is worth it. Focus on your why and conquer motherhood and business. If you want more practical productivity tips you may like my post How to Turn a Brain Dump Into an Effective To-Do List. Be sure to also check out other mamas who are killin’ it like Jordan Paige– she offers very practical productivity and kid hacks!